Tag Archives: Guy Fawkes

The brick wall that won’t break

So last I posted I had a lead on a possible Burchett (in this case, Birchett) line that showed potential of tying in with Benjamin Burchett. Alas, so far no such luck. If the connection is there it is rather far back (pre-1650’s), so while I am not giving up on that line, I have not been able to ascertain if my Benjamin fit’s into that line at all. It has been presented that Burwell Burchett may be a possibility, however, almost all that line, once gone from Virginia, ended up in Kentucky, which makes that a very unlikely scenario since my DNA results conclusively have a North Carolina connection and my Benjamin was born in North Carolina, not Kentucky. But, I haven’t discounted that possibility completely.

I have gathered enough documents that, while not 100% conclusive, leaves little room for me to doubt that the 1850 Benjamin Bucket(although after looking at the spelling it looks a lot like “Birchet” as opposed to “Bucket.” One thing I am sure of, however, is that my Benjamin is not the Benjamin Burchett of Adair, MO.  Family members, dates, locations, none of them add up or provide any link to Joseph Burchett. There is a Benjamin Burchett that shows up in Illinois that has a lot of similarities, but I believe this to also be a different Benjamin Burchett than my ancestor.

Again, dates, locations and family just don’t line up. Unfortunately, there is a lot of trees on ancestry tying all these Benjamin’s into one person, which is a shame, because it just leads to confusion and lack of proper research. So if you are one of those on Ancestry or FamilySearch, you really should correct your charts and not make assumptions based on other trees out there that equally make assumptions without any source material to back it up.

On a side note, while I was taking  breather from this stubborn 3rd great-grandfather, I discovered that I am related through various branches of the paternal line to Sir William Wade/Waad who was the Lieutenant at the Tower of London during the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 and actually questioned Guy Fawkes.

In addition to learning that, I discovered that his father, Armagil Wade/Waad was married to an unknown woman with the last name Comyn from Scotland, who it turns out the records state she was the sister of Alured Comyn, Prior of St Oswald. Of course, the last name Comyn is not stranger to anyone who has researched Scottish history or has watched “Braveheart”! I have about 28% Scottish in my DNA results, so this seems to be valid conclusion. Time will tell!